Thursday 8 September 2011

Why Are Identical Twins Different?: Studies Explain the Differences In Twins With Supposedly Matching Genes

The stereotype of identical twins is that they are exactly alike: they look alike, they dress in matching outfits, they share the same likes and dislikes. Parents of identical twins know differently, however. Despite their shared genetic component, identical multiples are unique individuals. Though they do share similarities, they also have many differences.
For example, my own children have always exhibited about a twenty-five percent difference in their weight. When they were newborns, weighing four and five pounds, it was quite obvious. At other times as they've grown up, it's not noticeable. We have confirmed that they are indeed identical twins, yet people are often sceptical because they don't "look" alike.
They don't act alike either. One likes to dance; the other likes to play basketball. Certainly, we encourage them to pursue their individual interests, abut the initial inclination towards these activities were all their own.
This is one of the first pieces I have read on twins that begins by stating identical twins individuality, rather than their similarities.  This instantly makes me feel comfortable with the author, and I appreciate their out look.  I also feel there is a less science based background to the person as in the other books I have read, there is a very obvious outsider view, all based on facts and science rather than personal opinion or experience.

While identical twins form with the same set of genes, human development is not just genetic. The environment also has an impact. So, beginning in the early environment of the womb, external influences can change the appearance of twins. For example, some monozygotic twins share a placenta. One twin may have a more advantageous connection to the placenta, receiving the first run of nutrients. This situation can cause a size discrepancy between the babies, a physical difference that continues as they grow up. While most twins grow up in the same home environment, there are many circumstances that create differences in the childrens' appearances, personalities, and interests. As the twins approach the teen years, they may even seek to establish dissimilar qualities in order to establish individual identities.
This extract is precise and straight to the point.  In the womb, I took most of the nutrition, resulting in me being much larger than Rachael.  As a result, I have always remained taller and wider than her.  It is also true to say that as we grow older, we look less alike and definitely have different personalities.

Scientists have offered a new explanation for the differences between identical twins. Epigenome refers to natural chemical modifications within a person's genome (genetic material). As an article in the New York Times explains, they "act on a gene like a gas pedal or a brake, marking it for higher or lower activity."
A study conducted by a team of researchers at the Spanish National Cancer Center in Madrid concluded that, while identical twins are born with the same epigenome, their epigentic profiles begin to diverge as they age. The differences increase as twins live longer and spend more time apart. The scientists offered two theories to explain this phenomenon. First, that epigentic marks are removed randomly as people age. Secondly, environmental influences change the pattern of epigentic marks.
Although I am not scientifically minded, I find this information interesting.  Again, I can say I do believe that as we grow older, Rachael and I become more and more different, but this has never affected our close bond.

Prindle Fierro, P (2011) Why Are Identical Twins Different?: Studies Explain the Differences In Twins With Supposedly Matching Genes. Available at: <> [Accessed 7th Sept 2011]

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