Wednesday 12 October 2011

Our DNA Profile

As I've mentioned, Rachael does forensic science at university.  She's now doing her MSci and is working one to one with a tutor doing DNA profiling.  In their little personal lab, she did her own DNA, which is also my DNA.  The chart above shows the results.  Her explanation of the chart is:

"The grey lines represent an allelic ladder. These bars correspond with peaks that are expected to be seen in human DNA profiles. The second blue peak does not fit into a grey area as it is shifted to the right. This is called an Off Ladder (OL) peak, meaning the allele (i.e. gene) is not usually seen in typical human DNA, and therefore a mutation of that allele has occured. This is rare, but does happen."

So, as well as being twins, we have a rare genetic mutation.  Not sure what this mutation means yet, but I don't have any extra fingers or toes so I'm not too worried!

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