Saturday 8 October 2011

Hong Chun Zhang

"Twin Spirits"#1 (2002), 4ft x 10ft (each), charcoal on paper

Hong Chun Zhang created large scale charcoal studies of hair.  To begin, she focused on her own and her twin sister's hair, using it to comment on their differences and similarities.

"Twin Spirits are large charcoal hair drawings, self-portraits of my twin sister and me. I use long hair to exaggerate our major characteristic and as a metaphor to reveal something that is beyond the hair. These drawings are presented as scroll paintings in order to accentuate the length of the piece and the flow of long hair. The larger than life-size scale creates a three-dimensional effect that extends the meaning beyond the surface." (H.C. Zhang, 2002)

           "Twin Spirits" #2 (2002), 5ft x 20ft, Charcoal on paper

Zhang, H.C. (2002) Long Hair [online] Available at: < Hair> [Accessed 8th October 2011]

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