Wednesday 16 November 2011

Dindi van der Hoek

Dindi van der Hoek uses twins as the center focus of  'interior'.  The busy background and watery atmosphere are almost made irrelevant by the strong use of the identical twins, who's almost conjoined present is very demanding.  All the objects of the room almost blend together in tone and style, whereas the figures do not, standing out due to their size and bold blue colouring on their dresses.  This is a perfect example of how a double image, or twins, can really take the focus within a space. Reflection and mirroring also helps to emphasise this idea within the piece.

Van der Hoek, D (2004) Interior [photograph] In: Klanten, R. Ehmann, S. Schluze, F. (2011) Doppelganger: The Image of the Human Being Berlin: Gestalten, p. 221

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