Monday 21 November 2011

Double Imagery

Double imagery is all around us.  Pattern is unavoidable in day to day life.  I took a 96 pace walk from my studio space to the back exit of T2.  In this short walk, I found 8 double images.

There are 3 images here that stand out to me the most. 

The first is of the plug sockets.  They have near perfect symmetry.  The switches, the socket, the screws, but they all link as one by the single pipe like structure coming from the top (umbilical?), which then highlights the fact they are all encased in one frame (womb like?). 

The second image is that of the boxes.  One is upside down almost breaking up their identicality, but this is then reaffirmed by the way in which the blue stripe continues as one across them both, connecting them (conjoined?). 

The final photograph is of the fire extinguishers.  At first glance, they look the same, but each actually has its own unique identity.  They put out different types of fires, but both have the same function (to extinguish).  One is larger than the other (dominance?).

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