Friday 19 August 2011

Damien Hirst

Although I will be the first to admit, I'm not a fan of his work, Damien Hirst has finally produced something that has personal relevance.  After much research, I have learned that in 2010, Hirst requested sets of identical twins to sit for periods of four hours under his famous spot paintings as part of the 'Pop Life' exhibition at the Tate Modern.  This is a homage to his original 'Ingo, Torsten' shown at Cologne Unfair art fair in 1992 (below).  I think this illustrates perfectly peoples fascination with identical twins.  Not only did the artisit feel they were an important enough subject to display, but by putting them on display emphasised how people are fascinated with looking at two (or more) people who appear the same.

However, I still can't help but feel that Hirst is 'recreating' art because he has ran out of new ideas, and by doing this peice has recycled 2 art projects to get his name back into the public eye.

Hirst, D (2010) Pop Life: Pheobie, Lydia [online image] Available at: <> [ Accessed 19th August 2011]
Hirst, D (2010) Pop Life [online image] Available at: <> [ Accessed 19th August 2011]
Hirst, D (1992) Ingo, Torsen [online image] Available at: <> [Accessed 19th August 2011]

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