Tuesday 2 August 2011

The General Responses to Being a Twin

I want to begin by looking at peoples general and common responses to finding out I have a twin sister.

"Are you identical?"
Yes, but now we've grown up we're easily identified because of our change in personalities and styles.

"What is it like/is it weird being a twin?"
I don't know, I've never NOT been a twin.

"Who is older?"
Me, by 1 minute.

"Are you close?"
Yes.  I wouldn't say we were 'unseperable' but we are definately close.  We don't live together anymore but speak most days and go to each other before anyone else if we have a problem or something to talk about. 

"Does it run in the family?"
No, my parent's traced the family tree and we are the first!

"Do you play twin tricks on people?"
We did when we were younger, but can't now because people can tell us apart.  We sound the same on the phone though!

"Do you have twin telepathy?"
I don't know, we say a lot of things in unison, text/phone each other at the same time and choose similar outfits without seeing each other. But this stuff could have more to do with growing up together.  We went through the secret twin language when we were toddlers though.

"Do you dress the same?"
No, when we were little we did, but once we started to choose our own clothes, we wore what we wanted and it wasn't usually the same.

"Do you borrow each other's clothes?"
Yes, but Rachael is smaller than I am, so she has more choice than I do!

"Do you like the same things?"
Not really, Rachael is interested in science and video games, I prefer art and movies.  We do have similar taste in clothes, music and film.

"I wish I was a twin"

"Do you have the same birthday? Do you share a cake?  Do you buy each other presents?"
Yes, obviously.  We always share a cake, we like to.  Not on our birthday, but we do at Christmas, and we have often bought each other the same gifts.


  1. i LOVE this! i'm a twin too and get asked most if not all of these questions! wait, yes, ALL of them. and we still use our secret language

  2. Thanks for commenting :D I'm glad it's not just us, although I didn't think it would be! I think to a certain extent we do too, but it's more of a secret 'sound' than anything. Certain sounds usually mean certain things and it drives my mam a little mad becuase she can't udnerstand! haha!

  3. yeah, ours is in meows (we're total cat ladies and have been forever) we have certain meows that mean certain things. and at some point we gave each other nicknames, that nobody else can ever use but each other.

    I seriously love your project! it's so inspiring to see your work in many different mediums! (i saw your embroidery pieces on Mr. X Stitch)

  4. Cats are seriously great!!

    I'll be continuing the project after christmas, but taking it into a new direction. I intend on focusing on the science behind twins, rather than the personal aspect, so keep checking back! I also have a Flickr, that gets most my updated images, but I guess thats where you found the link to my blog! I'm really glad you enjoy my work :D

  5. most definitely will keep up with your work! the science aspect is something i'm very interested in learning more about.

    i'm so glad i found out about your blog! it makes my day!

