Thursday 11 August 2011

Marc Burckhardt


Marc Burckhardt is an American painter whose work can be seen in galleries and books world wide.  I came across his work in American Illustration 22, an issue that loosely focused on twins.  His style really caught my eye.  His strange, contemporary illustrations mixed with the old, cracked oil painting texture go well together to create an interesting juxtaposition that just work.  Both his twin portraits examine conjoined twins, a subject I researched in a previous project. 

                        The Alliance

Burckhardt, M (n.d.) Twins [online image] Available at: <> [Accessed 11th August 2011]
Burckhardt, M (n.d.) The Alliance [oil on canvas] In: Todd, M & Pearl Watson, E (2004) American Illustration 22. London: Harper Collins Design International

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