Sunday 21 August 2011

Maurizio Anzeri

                   "Twins", synthetic hair and thread

Yesterday, I visited The Baltic Mill in Gateshead, where there was an interesting exhibition of Marizio Anzeri's work.  One scultpure (above) was entitiled 'Twins'and was made of synthetic hair and stitch.  I can see his inspiration for the work and how he has approached the subject.  On the otherhand, perhaps he created the peice and named it afterwards, calling it so due to its symmetry.

Whilst looking further into his work online, I came across this embroidered photographs.  Although many of his other stitched found photographs were on display at The Baltic, this one was not.  I really like the way he has created a connection between the two people in the photographs.  He has obscured their facial features so I can not tell whether they are related or not, but their close bond is very apparent.

Anzeri, M (2010) Twins [synthetic hair, thread] The Baltic Mill

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